2018 saw the beginning of a work project in the Fly Project in an area below the Red Bank Hole. On the right hand side of the stream, looking downstream from the Red Bank Hole, Yellow Creek Coalition volunteers installed two mud seal/deflectors against the shallow bank. This created deeper hole in the middle of the stream and will allow high water to simply flow over these structures. Once again Rick Musselman provided the heavy equipment to complete the task. Butch Kerchenske and Rick Buchanan helped out on smaller machines. Rain made it difficult to work on the project, but we will continue with the work in 2019.
Long-time board member Carl Reed asked to be replaced on the Board of Directors due to his many commitments to other organizations. Anthony Mace took Carl’s place. We would like to thank Carl for his dedication and service to the Coalition, and we are happy that Carl will still be participating with our group when he can.
If Mountain Laurel Chapter of T. U. works on Potter Creek Again this summer, the YCC will be there to help. We have collaborated many times in the past and will do so in the future.
Don’t forget Mountain Laurel’s annual Yellow Creek Cleanup to be held on Saturday, April 20, 2019. Volunteers should meet at the New Frontier Restaurant at 8:00 a. m. for breakfast and for work at 9:00 a.m. Bring boots, gloves and/or waders. Wear old clothes.
Reminder – YCC Pig Roast/ fund-raiser. Saturday June 8, 2019. Woodbury Community Center. 1-5 p.m.
June 1, 2019 – Wounded Warriors visit Yellow Creek